

 Animal Feeds


Where we are




Animal Feeds  



Locks has over 30 years experience of selling and milling farm animal and horse feeds, we know what works, not only because we sell it but we have 4 generations experience of rearing cattle, sheep and horses.

In addition to our hoofed friends we have an ever-expanding menagerie of dogs, geese, ducks, chickens and even a Vietnamese quail! We are always learning and improving what we produce, stock and sell.

Lock’s Garage is one of the most convenient places in the area to buy you animal feed and bedding – we are open 5am – 10pm 7 days a week.

We think if the feeds we stock and sell are good enough for our animals they are good enough for yours. 

Click on the links below for more information on our own and different brands of feeds we stock and sell.



Large/Farm Animal


Poultry, Game & Small Bird

Hay, HorseHage & Bedding  

Horse Feed Supplements, Veterinary, Leather and Horse Care Products

Lock's Garage

Allensmore, Herefordshire, HR2 9AS  
Email: locksgarage@btinternet.com  Telephone: 01981 570206